Before adding the article, please keep in mind that there are two types of articles you can add: Article with Image and Article without Image.
For a better user experience and improved UI, please include at least one image in your article. When you include an image in the Article with Image section, the image and the content you provide will be displayed side by side (left and right).
In the Article without Image section, your entire article will be displayed across the full width of the screen.
To help you preview your article, we've included a function at the end of this page that will fetch and display your articles. Please review your content and make any necessary corrections, such as fixing mistakes or spelling errors.
Preview your articles.
Once you've submitted your article successfully, you will have the option to preview it. Please take this opportunity to carefully review the content, check for spelling errors, and make sure that the overall structure of your words and sentences is clear.
Keep in mind that you can only preview your article once after submission. Therefore, it's essential that you complete your review with careful attention. Please only click the Fetch Article button when you are fully prepared to review your submission.
If you notice any errors during your preview, you will be able to make changes through the preview feature. Be sure to save any final edits before leaving the page.
Take your time and review with confidence. Happy writing!